Runtime API Security

Impart redefines API security with a new approach that integrates development time insights with next generation runtime protection.

Empower security teams with complete understanding and complete control of APIs at every stage.

Trusted by:

API-first runtime protection

Impart empowers security teams to easily create, manage, and maintain a solid security posture using easily customizable runtime API security controls.

With integrated firewall, testing, LLMs, and a first-class developer experience, Impart provides a new level of control, accuracy, and confidence that legacy solutions cannot.

api discovery

Discover API insights

Generate a rich catalog of API insights by scanning API traffic and CI/CD activity.

Document all API endpoints and parameters

Detect API risk factors like sensitive data

Use insights at runtime to adapt to attackers dynamically

runtime protection

Stop API attacks

Stop API attacks and abuse in real time.

Block API attacks instead of generating alerts

Protect against OWASP Top 10 threats

Create rules safely with integrated rule IDE

api Testing

Find API vulnerabilities

Scan your APIs for risk factors and vulnerabilities.

Detect vulnerabilities in CI/CD and provide immediate feedback to developers

Provide AI-enhanced evidence and remediation guidance to engineering teams

Integrate with existing SOAR/ASPM solutions

posture management

Reduce risk

Improve your security posture with API security findings.

Demonstrate clear ROI with your API security program

Focus your efforts on actions that will make the biggest impact on your risk profile

Enforce consistent policies across multiple environments and clouds

See why security loves us